The Hellenic Age

~800 BCE.  Western civilization begins in Greece (first Greek writing and calender). Sometime around 800 BCE, the Phoenician script is modified and applied to Greek (e.g. transcription of Homeric epics). In 776 the Greeks organize the periodic Olympic games, by which they will date events.

~500 BCE.  Onset of Persian Wars. The Persian Empire attempts to conquer Greece, but the Greek city-states form a league which effectively prevails in 479 (though sporadic fighting lasts another generation). Athens is world's first "democracy" (all free male adult citizens can vote).

Interim.  Golden Age of Athens. Pericles commissions the Parthenon and encourages the arts. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes write drama; Polyclitus, Pheidias sculpt; Herodotus and then later Thucydides write history. [Prof Dunkle's Daily Life in Athens]

431 BCE.  Onset of Peloponnesian Wars. The Greek city-states fight each other. Athens, weakened by plague, is defeated by Sparta in 404.