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New Student and Transfer Orientation

So, you're officially a Cougar! You’ve worked hard to get here, and your academic career at the University of Houston is about to start.

The mission of New Student Orientation (NSO) at the University of Houston is to facilitate the successful transition of new students, transfers and supporters by fostering opportunities for academic, social and cultural engagement through intentional, student-centered programming.

Orientation is a mandatory two-day experience for freshmen and one-day experience for transfer students where you'll get to meet fellow new Coogs, current student leaders, faculty and staff. During orientation, you’ll get connected with the UH community and learn about services that are here to help you succeed. You’ll also meet with your academic college advising staff to register for classes!

The orientation experience will inspire your Cougar Pride and set you up for success at UH. Go Coogs!

Summer and fall 2025 orientation dates are now open for registration! Orientations are filled on a first-available basis, and orientation dates do not have waitlists.

When you log in to register for a date, any and all dates which are available to you will appear on the screen. Sign up today for greater flexibility when selecting classes and building your class schedule! 

Your Orientation Process

Step 1
Secure your spot at UH by registering for orientation through your self-service portal. Review our step-by-step instructions and video.  

Step 2
Complete your Pre-Orientation before your orientation date. After registering for orientation, the Pre-Orientation Modules will be available on your self-service portal on Monday, May 5, 2025.

Removes Pre-Orientation Hold

Step 3
Attend your orientation date. Freshman orientation is a mandatory two-day experience. Transfer orientation is a one-day session. Academic advising is included in your orientation experience.

Removes Orientation Hold Removes Orientation Advising Hold

Step 4
Enroll in courses!

Pre-Orientation Checklist


  • Register for Orientation

Register today through your self-service portal.

  • Submit Immunization Records

Have you completed the activity guide to upload your documentation into your myUH account? You can learn more online.

  • Are you TSI compliant? 

Check the “Holds” section (under Student Service Center) in your myUH account to see if this requirement has or has not been met. Learn more online, and email with questions.

  • Set up AccessUH & DUO Mobile App

Make sure you have access set up for all of your important UH accounts, like your AccessUH portal and your CougarNet email. Be sure to install and set up the DUO Mobile authenticator app to ensure secure login on your devices. For more information and set up assistance please contact the UH IT Help Desk at 713-743-1411.


  • Register for Family & Supporter Orientation

Visit the Family & Supporter Orientation webpage for more information on how to register any supporters you want to bring with you.

  • Complete Your Pre-Orientation Modules

Complete your Pre-Orientation beginning on Monday, May 5, 2025. Log in to your myUH account. Click on the “Admissions” tab. Click the “Pre-Orientation Modules” tab. Click “Go to Pre-Orientation Modules.” Pre-Orientation Modules must be completed to enroll in classes on your orientation date.

  • Send Final Transcripts

Did you take any dual-enrollment courses in high school or any other college level coursework? Don't forget to make sure that updated official transcripts are submitted to the Registrar's office once grades are finalized.

  • Math Placement Test

Students who are enrolled in the following Academic Colleges may need to complete the math placement test: Natural Sciences & Mathematics and Engineering. If you don't have an account, create one by registering at the CASA Registration Page. Then log in to your account and choose "Math Placement" from the "Course Listing" section. Within the "Math Placement" section, you will have access to practice exams, as well as topic-by-topic videos and quizzes to help you prepare for the placement exams. When you’re ready to take the test, select "Online Placement Exams" and follow the instructions provided.  


  • Upload Cougar Card Photo

Prior to arriving at orientation, upload a photo through the Cougar Card Connect icon in your AccessUH portal. Learn more on the Cougar Card webpage.

  • Change of Major Requests 

If you are concerned about your major choice, review the Change of Major information. The deadline to submit your change of major request is two weeks prior to your registered orientation date. 


  • Download UH Go App

For quick access to orientation-related information, including the daily schedule, campus maps, shuttle times and additional helpful information on campus, download UH Go on your mobile device.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of orientation and how do I register?
The cost for freshman orientation is $150. The cost for transfer orientation is $75. Payment for orientation is due before you can confirm an orientation date. This fee is non-refundable regardless of cancellation or failure to enroll in classes at UH. Use these step-by-step instructions to register for orientation

How do I remove the orientation holds on my account?

  • Pre-Orientation

  • New Student/Transfer Orientation

  • Orientation Advising

The Pre-Orientation hold will be removed when you complete the Pre-Orientation Modules beginning on Monday, May 5, 2025. Make sure you have pop-up blockers disabled:

pre-orientation modules

The New Student/Transfer Orientation and Orientation Advising holds will be removed from your account when you attend orientation. 

How do I change my major before attending orientation?
If you are concerned about your major choice, review the Change of Major information. The deadline to submit your change of major request is two weeks prior to your registered orientation date.

Do you offer a fee waiver for orientation?
UH does not offer fee waivers for orientation, however, you may be eligible for a fee deferment. A fee deferment will add the orientation fee to your tuition and fee bill instead of requiring you to pay before registering for orientation. This allows you to pay for orientation once you receive your financial aid package by the tuition and fee bill deadline.

If you are eligible for a fee deferment, the orientation registration system will automatically defer payment to your first semester of enrollment.

Students who do not have a FAFSA on file cannot qualify for a fee deferment.

Payment is due by the tuition and fee bill deadline. This fee is non-refundable regardless of cancellation or if the student does not enroll in the University after attending orientation. If payment is not made, a financial delinquency hold will be placed on the student’s account.

What should I pack for my overnight stay during freshman orientation?
Students attending the two-day freshman orientation spend the night on campus in a residence hall during orientation. Your orientation has been specifically designed to help you become familiar with campus and meet peers. The overnight stay also ensures an on-time arrival for the second day's early start.

You should bring the following items for your overnight stay:

  • Linens, towels, pillow, etc. (the bed is a twin-size bed)
  • Toiletries: soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, hair dryer, toothbrush, toothpaste, medicine, etc.
  • Clothes for your second day of orientation
  • Casual clothes, including comfortable, closed-toe walking shoes
  • Umbrella or raincoat
  • A jacket or sweater (meeting rooms will be cold)

Students will enroll in courses during their New Student Orientation. If at all possible, bring a laptop or mobile device to speed up your advisement and enrollment process.

What if I need to arrive early for my freshman 2-day orientation?

Students who need to arrive the evening before their orientation may receive a housing accommodation at Cougar Village II. This option is only available on Thursday-Friday session dates, with a Wednesday evening check-in. Students who have been approved for this accommodation can arrive between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on the evening before their orientation to check in with orientation staff. (Students arriving after 8 p.m. will not be allowed to check-in until the following morning.) A non-refundable $30 charge will be added to your student account. Please email to request this accommodation.

Where can I park?
To receive complimentary event parking for orientation, you are required to park in the University Gateway Garage. Follow these instructions to park. Select freshman or transfer from the drop-down menu. Gates for this garage will be open for orientation attendees only. A parking ticket will not be validated if you park in a garage that is not the University Gateway Garage. 

What if I need a special accommodation?
Email at least one week prior to your orientation date if you need assistance during your orientation.

Can my family or supporters attend orientation and how do I add them?
Yes! If you have family or supporters who want to support you in your transition to UH, encourage them to register for the Family & Supporter Orientation. The cost for Family & Supporter Orientation is detailed on the page linked below. Some portions of orientation programming are planned for you and your supporter to experience together while other sessions are just for you and will separate you from your supporter.

Learn more about Family & Supporter Orientation

Can I bring my friend/sibling/family member with me to orientation?
Parents and guardians are welcome at all orientations and, if attending, will follow a separate schedule of events. Because of the nature of the program, it is not appropriate for anyone except parents/guardians or spouses to attend as a supporter. Friends or siblings are not allowed to accompany you. Supporters under 18 will not be able to attend the Family & Supporter Orientation without a parent or guardian. The exception would be an older sibling who is acting in a guardian capacity; however, in this case, the sibling would attend the Family & Supporter Orientation and would not be with you during any time parents and students are not ordinarily together.


Exemptions from Completing Orientation

All incoming students to UH must attend an orientation session. Only students meeting one of the criteria below are eligible to request an exemption:

  1. Student has paid for and attended a New Student Orientation within the last 13 months.
  2. Student will be non-degree seeking AND is not planning to transition to a degree-seeking student.
  3. Student has been admitted as a post-baccalaureate student in the College of Education, College of Nursing or in Undergraduate Student Success (Exploratory Studies and BSIS majors). 

Students who meet any of the above criteria can complete an exemption form. Staff will verify the exemption and, if the criteria is met, remove both holds within three business days. If exemption criteria is not met, the student will be notified within three business days.

Accommodation to Attend Online Orientation

All incoming students to UH must attend an in-person orientation session. However, if you meet one of the criteria below, you can receive an accommodation to attend a self-paced online orientation:

  1. Student will be completing a UH Extend online-only degree program.*
  2. Student will be pursuing and has been admitted into the Distance Education, B.A. or B.S. in Psychology degree plan and therefore is attempting to complete a Psychology degree online.
  3. Student has a documented medical condition spanning the entirety of the offered orientation dates, which prevents them from attending any in-person orientation dates.
  4. Student’s permanent address is more than 300+ miles from the UH main campus.
  5. Student will be traveling during the entirety of the offered orientation dates, which prevents them from attending any in-person orientation date. (Official documentation with proof of travel prior to May 28th and a return date after August 4th will need to be uploaded.) Examples may include a mission trip or studying abroad.
    • Acceptable forms of documentation include: a confirmed airline ticket, train ticket, road trip documentation information, etc. spanning the dates of all orientation sessions.
  6. Student is or will be serving military orders during the entirety of the offered orientation dates, which prevents them from attending any in-person orientation date. (Official documentation will need to be uploaded.)
  7. Student is a post-baccalaureate student not in the College of Education or Undergraduate Student Success. (Post-baccalaureate students in these two colleges may submit an orientation exemption form.)

Students who meet any of the above criteria can submit an Online Orientation Accommodation form. UH reserves the right to deny a student’s request for Online Self-Paced Orientation without sufficient documentation of need.

*If you are a student completing any UH Extend degree, you may move forward with registering for orientation through your AccessUH account.

Fee Deferment

UH does not offer fee waivers for orientation, however, you may be eligible for a fee deferment. A fee deferment will add the orientation fee to your tuition and fee bill instead of requiring you to pay before registering for orientation. This allows you to pay for orientation once you receive your financial aid package by the tuition and fee bill deadline.

If you are eligible for a fee deferment, the orientation registration system will automatically defer payment to your first semester of enrollment.

Students who do not have a FAFSA on file cannot qualify for a fee deferment.

Payment is due by the tuition and fee bill deadline. This fee is non-refundable regardless of cancellation or if the student does not enroll in the University after attending orientation. If payment is not made, a financial delinquency hold will be placed on the student’s account.

Orientation Fees and Refunds

The orientation fee is due at the time of registration, before you can confirm an orientation date through your myUH portal. 

All orientation fees for both students and family and supporters are non-refundable, regardless of cancellation or failure to enroll in classes at UH


All videos are closed-captioned for students with accessibility needs. If you need further assistance or have questions about the orientation experience, don’t hesitate to contact us at

Contact Us

Holly Williams  Jacorey Patterson Tyrin Johnson
Director Associate Director Assistant Director

If you have any questions or concerns related to orientation that weren't answered above, please contact us at We look forward to seeing you!

Meet the O-Team

The Orientation Team (O-Team for short) are your new best friends. Think of them as a family made up of a diverse and unique group of current UH students who serve as leaders across campus. They'll work with you and your family to introduce you to UH, and all the academic, social and cultural aspects of becoming a Cougar.