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Dr. Lee Presents his Research to the American Parkinson Disease Association’s Scientific Advisory Board

HHP faculty Dr. Beom-Chan Lee recently presented his research to the American Parkinson Disease Association’s Scientific Advisory Board. Dr. Lee had been awarded a research grant by the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) for his project titled, "Validation of smartphone-based sensory augmentation technology for home-based balance training of people with Parkinson's disease". The APDA awards this grant to investigators affiliated with and performing Parkinson's disease research at major academic institutions across the United States.

APDA researchers
APDA research grantees and post-doctoral fellows
(L-R) Hannes Devos, PhD, Kansas University Medical Center; Vinita Ganesh Chittoor, PhD, Oregon Health & Science University; Beom-Chan Lee, PhD, University of Houston; Hazem Abdelkarim, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago
(Photo Courtesy: American Parkinson Disease Association)

APDA’s Scientific Advisory Board is comprised of scientists with a wide array of backgrounds and expertise in all areas relevant to Parkinson’s disease (PD) whose research holds promise to discovering new insights etiology and treatment of the disease. 

The Scientific Advisory Board was enthused to see the progress made by Dr. Lee in his work to assess the impacts on long-term rehabilitative training for people with PD who receive in-home balance exercises with assistive guidance via the smartphone-based biofeedback system, called Smarter Balance System (SBS). This work is investigating the effects of improved postural control and how that carries over to confidence in daily activities and less fear of falling.

About the American Parkinson Disease Association

The American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) was founded in 1961 with the dual purpose to Ease the Burden - Find the Cure for Parkinson’s disease.


As the country’s largest Parkinson’s grassroots organization, APDA aims to Ease the Burden for the more than one million Americans with Parkinson’s disease and their families through a nationwide network of Chapters, Information and Referral (I&R) Centers, and support groups. APDA pursues its efforts to Find the Cure by funding Centers for Advanced Research and awarding grants to fund the most promising research toward discovering the cause(s) and finding the cure for Parkinson’s disease.

Visit the American Parkinson Disease Association website